F1 - Help.
F2 - Delete Entities.
F3 - Replace.
F4 - Distance/Measure.
F5 - Mask.
F6 - Edit Elements - Combine.
F7 - Align Nodes.
F8 - To Create Nodes.
F9 - Line Edit - Combine.
F10 - Check Elements - 2D.
F11 - Quick Edit.
F12 - Automesh.
Shift + F1 - Colour
Shift + F2 - Temporary Nodes/Clear Nodes.
Shift + F3 - Edges.
Shift + F4 - Translate.
Shift + F5 - Find
Shift + F6 - Split - Plate Elements.
Shift + F7 - Project to Plane.
Shift + F8 - Node Edit.
Shift + F9 - Surface Edit/Trim Surface with nodes/surface plane.
Shift + F10 - Normals.
Shift + F11 - Organize.
Shift + F12 - Smooth.
Ctrl + F1 - Print File.
Ctrl + F2 - BMP File.
Ctrl + F6 - JPEG File.
Ctrl + F7 - Full Screen.
D - Display The Components.
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